Ottawa Photography Courses / Expert Package: Course Outline & Lesson Plan

Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Gain complete control over your camera by mastering manual mode.

Topics Covered:

  • Detailed exploration of manual settings: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.
  • Balancing exposure triangle for different scenarios.


  • Hands-on practice with manual mode.
  • Scenario-based exercises to balance exposure.


  • Capture photos in manual mode in various lighting conditions.
  • Analyze and document the results.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Enhance your photography with advanced lighting techniques.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced lighting setups: off-camera flash, studio lighting.
  • Creative lighting techniques: backlighting, rim lighting, gels.


  • Practical exercises with advanced lighting setups.
  • Experimenting with creative lighting techniques.


  • Take photos using advanced lighting techniques.
  • Review and critique the results.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 3: Portrait Photography

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Master the art of portrait photography.

Topics Covered:

  • Posing and directing subjects.
  • Using natural and artificial light for portraits.


  • Practical exercises in posing and lighting for portraits.
  • Working with models or family members.


  • Capture portrait photos using the techniques learned.
  • Critique and analyze the results.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 4: Landscape Photography

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Capture stunning landscape photographs.

Topics Covered:

  • Composition and framing for landscapes.
  • Using filters and understanding the golden hours.


  • On-location shoot focusing on landscape techniques.
  • Practical exercises with filters and different times of day.


  • Take landscape photos applying the techniques learned.
  • Review and analyze the results.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 5: Travel Photography

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Document travel experiences with high-quality photos.

Topics Covered:

  • Capturing the essence of a location.
  • Techniques for street photography and architectural shots.


  • On-location shoot in a local area of interest.
  • Practical exercises in street and architectural photography.


  • Capture travel-themed photos in different locations.
  • Critique and analyze the results.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Enhance photos with advanced editing techniques.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced editing tools and techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop.
  • Retouching, compositing, and creative edits.


  • Hands-on editing session using advanced tools.
  • Applying advanced edits to improve and transform photos.


  • Edit your photos using advanced techniques.
  • Prepare before-and-after comparisons.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 7: Developing a Personal Style

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Discover and refine your unique photography style.

Topics Covered:

  • Analyzing different photography styles and influences.
  • Techniques for developing a personal style and vision.


  • Creating a mood board or style guide.
  • Practical exercises in experimenting with different styles.


  • Capture photos reflecting your personal style.
  • Prepare a collection showcasing your unique vision.
Session 1: Mastering Manual Mode
Session 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
Session 3: Portrait Photography
Session 4: Landscape Photography
Session 5: Travel Photography
Session 6: Advanced Editing Techniques
Session 7: Developing a Personal Style
Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Session 8: Portfolio Development and Review

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Compile a professional portfolio showcasing your best work.

Topics Covered:

  • Selecting and organizing photos for a portfolio.
  • Presenting your work professionally.


  • Reviewing and selecting photos for your portfolio.
  • Creating a physical or digital portfolio.


  • Finalize your portfolio.
  • Prepare for a review and critique session.

Photography Course Packages & Pricing

Beginner Package

Starting at $400 - View Course Outline

Receive 4 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to helping you learn the basics of your camera, composition, and lighting to start capturing beautiful photos.

Intermediate Package


Receive 6 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to enhancing your skills with advanced techniques and in-depth practical experience.

Photography Course Packages & Pricing

Expert Package


Receive 8 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to mastering specific photography styles, advanced editing, and portfolio development.

Snap & Learn

STARTING AT $120 per session - Book a Consultation

Flexible, personalized coaching sessions that fit your schedule and specific needs. Ideal for those who want to learn at their own pace or need help with particular areas of photography.