Ottawa Photography Courses / Intermediate Package: Course Outline & Lesson Plan

Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Gain deeper control over your camera settings.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced settings: Exposure compensation, metering modes, and focus modes.
  • Customizing settings for different scenarios.


  • Hands-on practice with advanced settings.
  • Scenario-based exercises.


  • Experiment with different settings in various conditions.
  • Document findings and results.
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Master depth of field and aperture for creative control.

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding depth of field and how to control it.
  • Creative uses of shallow and deep depth of field.


  • Practical exercises in adjusting aperture to control depth of field.
  • Analyzing sample photos for depth of field effects.


  • Capture photos with different depths of field.
  • Compare and analyze the results.
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Learn to freeze or blur motion with shutter speed.

Topics Covered:

  • Using shutter speed to capture motion.
  • Techniques for panning and long exposure.


  • Practical exercises in freezing and blurring motion.
  • Experimenting with panning shots.


  • Take photos using different shutter speeds to capture motion.
  • Review and critique results.
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 4: Introduction to Editing

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Learn basics of photo editing.

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to editing software (e.g., Adobe Lightroom).
  • Basic editing techniques: cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction.


  • Hands-on editing session using sample photos.
  • Applying basic edits to improve photos.


  • Edit your own photos using the techniques learned.
  • Prepare before-and-after comparisons.
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Enhance your composition skills with advanced techniques.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced composition rules (golden ratio, symmetry, patterns).
  • Creative techniques: HDR, panoramas, macro photography.


  • Practical exercises in applying advanced composition techniques.
  • Experimenting with creative photography techniques.


  • Capture images using advanced composition and techniques.
  • Critique and analyze results.
Session 1: Advanced Camera Settings
Session 2: Depth of Field & Aperture
Session 3: Shutter Speed and Motion
Session 4: Introduction to Editing
Session 5: Advanced Composition and Techniques
Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Session 6: Practical Session and Review

Duration: 2 hours

Objective: Apply advanced skills and review progress.

Topics Covered:

  • On-location shoot to practice advanced techniques.
  • Review and critique of the photos taken during the course.


  • Guided photo walk focusing on advanced composition and techniques.
  • Group review and critique session.


  • Continue practicing and refining techniques.
  • Prepare a portfolio showcasing your best work.

Photography Course Packages & Pricing

Beginner Package

Starting at $400 - View Course Outline

Receive 4 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to helping you learn the basics of your camera, composition, and lighting to start capturing beautiful photos.

Intermediate Package


Receive 6 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to enhancing your skills with advanced techniques and in-depth practical experience.

Photography Course Packages & Pricing

Expert Package


Receive 8 two-hour long in-person or online sessions dedicated to mastering specific photography styles, advanced editing, and portfolio development.

Snap & Learn

STARTING AT $120 per session - Book a Consultation

Flexible, personalized coaching sessions that fit your schedule and specific needs. Ideal for those who want to learn at their own pace or need help with particular areas of photography.